Thursday, August 11, 2011

Day 15:

Day 15: Five funny fears:

Oh goodness. My fears aren't really funny...especially not to me...but I'll tell you five of my fears.

  1. Okay, this one is pretty funny, I guess... ladybugs. Oh dear Lord. Those things FREAK me out so bad. Like they're all cute & cuddly & crawling around & then it sprouts stinkin wings outta nowhere. WHAT THE MESS? It's weird. And they always randomly end up on your clothes. *shudder*
  2. Hmm...I guess my next & probably biggest fear is not getting things right with the Lord... pretty self explanatory right? Okay, next.
  3. Being alone (never getting married). I have some serious self image issues, so I'm always worried that I will never find "the one". Or really anyone who would date me. Pretty much sucks. 
  4. Going blind. Back in the ye old days of high school we had this thing for one of my classes called "Dissabilty for a Day". You drew out of a bowl & for one day you were either blind, deaf, or in a wheelchair. You would never know how much I prayed to be deaf. I know, a crazy prayer. But of course, I drew blind. Yipee. Within the first 5 minutes, the funniness of not being able to see & people teasing you really got old. I mean REALLY. GOT. OLD. By the end of the day, I was in tears. I just went 7 hours as a "blind person"....I could NEVER imagine going through that in real life...and forever. Goodness. 
  5. Last but CERTAINLY not least, I'm reallllly scared of the dark. Like, if I'm with a group of people, it's a little different I guess. But say the flood lights don't come on when I have to walk to my Grandmother's house (a whole 20 yards away) alone, I will stand their jumping in front of them until they do...or just take off in a run. Oh yeah, I run. lol Or if worst comes to worst, I WILL make my mother, brother, or father stand at the door & wait for me to come back. I guess I'm afraid something will come out of the woods & snatch me. lol 

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